BME: Effective Beam Emission Coefficients
- Ion
- He2+
- Temperature Range
- 100 eV → 5.000 x 104 eV
- Density Range
- 1.000 x 1012 cm-3 → 1.000 x 1015 cm-3
- Energy Range
- 1.000 x 104 eV/amu → 7.000 x 104 eV/amu
- Filename
- nm504_m1f#he_he2.dat
- Full Path
- adf22/bme99#he_fast/nm504/nm504_m1f#he_he2.dat
Reference Parameters
Reference Temperature: 2000 eVReference Density: 5.000 x 1013 cm-3
Reference Energy: 3.300 x 104 eV
(Data are provided as scans from the above reference values.)
- He0 (1s4s 1S) + He2+ → He0 (1s2p 1P) + He2+ + hv (5040Å)
- He0 (1s4s 1S) + e → He0 (1s2p 1P) + e + hv (5040Å)
(Note that included processes are more complex in that full density dependent GCR calculations are used, the above processes are simply an indication of the effective data the ADF22 file provides.)
- Harvey Anderson